Pastor's Weekly Encouragement

The next section that Phillip Keller deals with from the 23rd Psalm is “He Leadeth Me Beside the Still Waters.”  As with “He Maketh Me to Lie Down in Green Pastures”, one must remember water is also only obtained for the sheep by the shepherd.  It is the shepherd who knows where the best drinking water is.  As a shepherd, Phillip Keller knows that when sheep are thirsty if they are not led they set out on their own to look for water.  The problem lies in that they cannot distinguish between good and bad.  If they are not led to good water they will end up drinking polluted water that could kill them.  And as sinful and fallen people, we also cannot distinguish between good and bad.  If we are not led by Jesus, we will set out on our own try to find morality, meaning, purpose and happiness in this world.   I love how God works.  I started reading a new book and one of the chapters began with this quote; “The world turns and changes, but one thing does not change.  In all my years, one thing does not change, however you disguise it, this thing does not change: the perpetual struggle of good and evil.” (T.S. Elliot)  We must let ‘The Good Shepherd’ lead us.   Jesus is letting us know that it is He and He only that can lead us to what is right and what is good.  He and He only can give us what we need.  Jesus said in John 10:10-11; “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.  I am the good shepherd.”   Are we allowing Jesus to lead us? 


God bless, 

Pastor Jeff 


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